Monday, August 29, 2011

Support Letter

            I was reading through several blogs this afternoon concerning Uganda, the needs there, the abandoned children, the epidemics and the poverty.  Children put in prison for littering, others dropped off because they are disabled or deformed, while still there are some there for petty crimes committed due to their impoverished state.  Orphanages, full to the brim with homeless, family-less children who have not even the most basic necessities.  Uganda is a place where anyone with hands, feet and compassion could help.  There is such a need there, for food and water, for shelter, for clothing, for faith, hope and love.  But the greatest of these is love. 
I would like to share with you my journey toward helping the children in Uganda. From where it began in my heart to the place it plans to go in the near future. I would also like to share with you information about those who are stepping out and doing things for these children and at the same time for the kingdom.  Lastly, I would like to share with you the opportunity to share in the ministry that could save the lives of many and bring faith hope and love to a country in dire need. 
            I have been a nanny in Hawaii for almost two years, during those two years; I have been challenged in the execution of my faith. Working for such compassionate people, who love and serve those in need has made me take a hard look at my personal contribution, not only to society but to the Kingdom of God.  In January 2011,  I made the life altering decision to attend a small bible school called Calvary Chapel Bible College, in Montebelluna, Italy.  I spent a semester there, learning and growing in my relationship with Christ.  God broke down some fears that I had once had and I felt like for the first time in my life, I was prepared to do whatever he wanted. It was there, toward the end of my semester, I received a message from my boss in Hawaii asking me to seriously consider an intern position with a ministry in Africa. I had already spoken to the Italian school about returning in the fall, so at first I was wary, but soon I realized that the timing was just as it always is with the Lord, perfect.

The Ministry
In January 2012 I have been given the opportunity to partner with a ministry called Healing Faith. The family that leads this ministry are Jason and Kari Segner and their four children.  They will be moving permanently to Uganda to open a clinic providing basic Medical care to orphans and pregnant women. They are preparing to reach the people of Uganda both medically and spiritually. Their journey is an inspiration, the way that they are giving their whole lives to help others.  To read more about their adventure, visit their family blog at
            I will be taking care of the Segner’s 4 children while Kari and Jason are in training.  Me taking care of these 4 children allows Kari and Jason to devote their time to the clinic.  Outside of my work with the Sengers, I will also be working in other facets of the ministry.  The place we will live is called New Hope Ministries, a compound that contains a training institute for pastors and missionaries, a school, a medical facility as well as many other ministries.  As you can see, there are endless opportunities for me to serve the people of Uganda.  I am excited to be used wherever we find need.
Here are some of the things that New Hope offers to orphaned children in Uganda

·      A Full-time home to nearly 140 children.
·      Free education
·      Vocational training
·      Discipleship and love
·      Food 
·      Medical care
·      A special needs program
·      A home and remediation center for former child soldiers

Financial Support

For this amazing time in my life I am doing what I can to prepare.  I am working to earn the total mount that I will need to live for potentially the next year.  My total expenses over the next year will be 8000 dollars. I am looking for people to partner with me in this incredible ministry opportunity in one time and monthly financial donations.

The Segners have set up an online non-profit donation program so all donations are tax deductible.  This is such a small amount considering it will be all I have to live on for the year.  This cost includes, food, housing, tuition for the fall semester at Calvary Chapel Bible College Italy, plane tickets, international travel on trains and buses, medical insurance, and a visa.  Considering that most of us could not live on this amount anywhere in the U.S. for a year, I feel like God is providing me the opportunity to grow in faith.  Hopefully, you will take a step of faith with me and help in whatever way you can to further his kingdom.

Internet Donations
If you would like to follow me on my adventure please subscribe to my blog .  You can also make a tax-deductible donation to Healing Faith Ministries. Kari will be keeping track of donations that are specifically given to me. 

Check Donations
If for any reason you feel inclined to send a check instead of donating via internet, you can mail a check payable to Carrie Elliott (my boss in Hawaii).  Carrie has an account linked to mine so she can transfer funds from the US. Simply address the envelope to my name.

Rachael Ruiz
91-306 Kauoha pl.
Ewa Beach HI. 96706

I would also like to ask for prayer.  Pray that God’s will, will be done in and through me. Pray that things like paperwork, visas, plane trips, insurance, funds, favor safety and strength. Also, pray that the people in Italy and Uganda will be blessed by the giving of our time, money and talent.

Even as you read this I know that you are supporting me, In faith, in kind words, in reading.  I know that you are cheering me on in your hearts and I want to thank you for everything you have and will continue to contribute to my life.

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